John van Geest Centre 1in2 Day: How to get involved


The first public 1in2 Day is being held on Friday, 26 February 2016 to raise funds for lifesaving cancer research work at the John van Geest Centre in Nottingham.

The day is named in recognition of the statistic that at least 1in2 of us are now predicted to be diagnosed with cancer at some point in our lifetime.

Businesses, individuals and other organisations are being asked to join in the fun and fundraise for the centre on the day.

Previous 1in2 Days have seen a diverse range of fundraising activities take place – from cake sales, raffles and cycling the distance of Land’s End to John O’Groats on exercise bikes, to eager fundraisers wearing their pyjamas to work.

  • For more information and to sign up to fundraise contact Stephen Knott via email or on 0115 848 8807.
  • To follow the campaign online, visit the Notts TV and van Geest websites and use the Twitter hashtag #1in2day
  • Be proud to wear a pink item of clothing on Friday 26 February. Show your support and donate a pound or two to bucket collectors, or Text ‘CODE12 £2’ to 70070 to support the cause.