35-home Mansfield development recommended for approval for third time

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Mansfield District Council

By Lauren Monaghan, Junior Local Democracy Reporter

A plan to build 35 homes in Mansfield is set to be decided in a meeting next week- nearly 10 years after plans were first submitted.

Mansfield District Council’s Planning Committee will meet next Monday (October 28) to discuss the proposed development on land off Balmoral Drive, submitted by the Brunts Charity,  an independent living provider.

Planning permission was previously granted for the development in 2015 and 2020,  but changes in policy mean it needs re-visiting again.

Following the 2015 granting of permission, legal issues also stalled the planning process, reports say.

The application is an outline version, meaning a more detailed “reserved matters” plan including site appearance, layout, scale and landscaping would be submitted following approval.

A large nursing home previously occupied the site but this was demolished more than 10 years ago.

The site is in an existing residential area, with homes neighbouring on three sides.

A consultation in March 2023 found people’s main concerns focused on traffic and parking impact, harm to wildlife and insufficient infrastructure to support the development.

Residents neighbouring the proposed development also previously cited potential issues with overlooking, loss of privacy, loss of views and loss of light- these concerns cannot be assessed until the council receives a reserved matters application.

Financial contributions from the developer are part of the proposal. To support local GP services and the increased pressure new homes would bring, a £37,187 contribution would be given.

An open spaces boost of £38,500 would also go to nearby Burlington Drive to improve trees, benches, bins and other aesthetics.

Approval for the development will be decided by the council’s planning committee next week.

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