Around 1,000 more blood donor’s needed in Nottinghamshire

The number of new volunteers donating blood across the UK has decreased by 40% over the last decade, the Nottinghamshire NHS blood centre is hoping to bring in more people.

NHS Blood and Transplant has said that 120,000 fewer people joined the blood register in 2014-15 than in 2004-05.

A new NHS blood centre opened in Trinity Square in Nottingham City Centre just last month, in the hope of providing a more accessible service.

It is hoped that the new centre can help with the high demand for Nottinghamshire’s busy hospitals.

Richard Shortland from NHS Blood and Transplant said: “There is no better opportunity to donate than to come along to the brand new donor centre.

We’re looking for around 1,000 extra donations throughout the year in Nottingham.

Richard Shortland, NHS Blood and Transplant

Around half of blood donors in the UK are over the age of 45, and the NHS are keen to get young people on board.

Richard Shortland said: “We are particularly looking for young, black, Asian donors and people who haven’t given blood before.”

According to the figures issued by the NHS up to 4% of the current population who are eligible to give blood are regular donors.

11 year old Pierce Fitzsimmons from Aspley, knows just how important blood donation is. The youngster had a rare blood disease called Blackfan Anemia, which left him unable to make his own red blood cells.

He said: “In 2012 I went to Sheffield to have a bone marrow transplant. My sister did it and now I’m better and I’m lively.

If I hadn’t have had a bone marrow transplant I wouldn’t have been here right now and my mum would miss me.

Pierce Fitzsimmons, 11 year old who suffered from Blackfan Anemia.

NHS Blood and Transplant are particularly interested in O negative blood types as they can be given to anyone, but welcome blood donations from any healthy 17-65 year olds who weigh at least 50kg.

With an appointment at your blood donor centre it should take no more than hour and 470ml of blood will be taken.