Brewery backs ‘Try January’ labelling it a good idea

Philip Darby managing director of Nottingham Brewery Ltd. said that the Try January campaign was a good idea but he thinks it’s about moderation.

“People need to be more sensible about what and how much they drink throughout the year rather than abstaining in January and binging the rest of the year.”

He said his business has not been affected by the Dry January campaign calling it a ‘bit of a gimmick’.

“It’s a poor trading time and generally it’s a tightening of belts for everybody.”

“People who drink our types of beer are moderate drinkers rather than heavy binge drinkers who would take part in Dry January. ”

The small  brewery on St. Peters Street, Radford, produces a wide variety of beers including many real ales, and their signature craft beer Regal.

“It’s always nice that new people try our products. We are a well-known and trusted brand  and it’s great for people to diversify their taste especially as our beers have health benefits.”

“Our beers are made with pure products and just three ingredients barley, hops and water. It’s about not drinking mass-produced products with artificial flavours and sulphates.”

“A pint can be a benefit rather than a harm to your system.”

Philip Darby, managing director of Nottingham Brewery Ltd.