Broadmarsh health centre plans ‘unchanged’ after Mansfield facility found to be over budget

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The Community Diagnostic Centre in Nottingham (NUH)

The Community Diagnostic Centre in Nottingham (NUH)

By Joe Locker, Local Democracy Reporter

Plans for an NHS health centre on the Broadmarsh site remain unchanged after a similar facility in Mansfield was found to be over budget.

Nottingham’s Community Diagnostic Centre will be built in Lister Gate, near the new Green Heart park area, which is due to open this summer.

It will act as a “one-stop shop” for NHS services, providing direct access to services such as MRI scans, CT, x-ray, ultrasound and heart and lung testing.

The £25m centre will be operated and staffed by Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (NUH), and will help to provide an additional 100,000 diagnostic appointments each year.

A similar facility in Mansfield, which will be run by Sherwood Forest Hospitals, was first announced in 2023 but last week it emerged this centre has since been scaled down.

The trust says its initial proposals, approved by Mansfield District Council in January, were “found to be over budget”.

New plans submitted to the north-Nottinghamshire council show the diagnostic facility will have around a quarter less floorspace and the proposed two-storey building will be changed to one storey.

However Nottingham University Hospitals today (August 27) confirmed the proposals for the facility in the Broadmarsh regeneration area are still on-track.

A spokeswoman said: “Our plans have not changed from those submitted and approved by the council.”

Current work on the city centre-based facility includes archaeological investigations before an old retail building on the site is demolished.

Recent planning documents submitted to Nottingham City Council show York Archaeology will be conducting fieldwork to check for any remains.

A full report will be published in six to eight months. Plans for the centre were first revealed back in February.

“York Archaeology has been commissioned by Leonard Design Architects to conduct a programme of archaeological works as part of the planning permission for proposed development at the Broadmarsh Centre site in Nottingham City Centre,” planning documents say.

“Archaeological monitoring is to be maintained over all aspects of the proposed development requiring intrusive groundworks.”

It is anticipated the Nottingham Community Diagnostic Centre will open in 2025.

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