Broxtowe expected to increase council tax by 2.94 per cent

Broxtowe Borough Council offices.
By Lauren Monaghan, Junior Local Democracy Reporter
Broxtowe residents’ borough council tax is expected to rise by 2.94 per cent in April.
Proposals for the tax increase were discussed in Broxtowe Borough Council’s Cabinet meeting yesterday (February 4).
The 2.94 per cent rise will be put forward for approval in a full council meeting on March 5.
If approved, it would mean residents in a Band D equivalent property would pay £192.93 in 2025/26, up from £187.42 in the current financial year – an extra £5.51.
Leader of the council, Milan Radulovic (Ind) speaking to the council’s cabinet yesterday (February 4), said the authority will get “around £390,000 this year less than what we received last year” from a basic settlement from the government.
Councils have had to factor in the rising costs they face from national insurance contributions when making their budgets for the next financial year.
Zulfiqar Darr, Deputy Chief Executive at the council, said the authority is “assuming the cost to the council will be £444,000”.
He confirmed that the council has been informed it will only get £150,000 in reimbursement from the government to deal with the rising cost.
The authority is taking the stance of “no cuts to jobs or services” in its budget for 2025/26.
Speaking to the Local Democracy Reporting Service, Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor Greg Marshall (Ind), said: “I’m very proud we can deliver a no cuts to jobs or services budget, still build houses, still have the lowest rents and still offer residents free cultural events.
“To do that we recognise we’ve had to have a modest increase in council tax, in line with what we did last year, which is less than neighbouring authorities.”
Final household council tax bills in Nottinghamshire will include portions for either the county or city council, plus a district or borough council, and contributions for the police and fire services.
All these authorities are now setting their rates for the year ahead.
The final total bills for all Nottinghamshire households will then be known in March.