Burglars targeting Nottingham homes by pulling keys through cat flaps

Burglars have been reaching through cat flaps with sticks to steal keys. Photo: Stephen Hanafin. (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Burglars have been stealing cash and cars from Nottinghamshire homes – by pulling keys through cat flaps in doors.

Notts Police said a “small series” of the thefts had been reported in Mapperly, Sherwood, Bramcote and Newark.

A force spokesman said: “They all happened overnight and involved car and house keys that were inside the door lock or very close by on shelves by the front door.

“Officers are investigating and are reminding residents to set house alarms overnight, keep house keys and car keys out of the door or within easy reach of the door- particularly if you have a cat flap.”

People are also being asked not to leave keys on display close to windows and to keep windows and doors locked, even if they are at home.