Watch: Family’s shock after finding pet cat injured by air rifle

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A family in Nuthall say they were left shocked to find someone had shot their pet cat with what vets say must have been a ‘powerful air weapon’.

Owner Chirstopher Jacklin heard his pet Mason crying under a bush in his back garden.

Confused about what was wrong, he took Mason to Buckley House, Hucknall, where a vet discovered he had a broken leg caused by a pellet which was still embedded in his skin.

Christopoher said: “He was dragging his paw and he was trying to walk towards me. I picked him up and he was obviously in a lot of pain. At first I thought it was just a thorn.

“I just can’t weigh people up – why would you want to point a powerful air rifle at a cat and pull the trigger.”

Mason has since had successful surgery to remove the pellet at East Midlands Referrals, and is expected to make a full recovery.


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