How to get involved in 1in2 Day to raise money for John Van Geest Centre cancer research

1in2 Day takes place on February 24 to raise money for the John Van Geest Cancer Research Centre
The second public 1in2 Day is being held on Friday February 24 to raise funds for lifesaving cancer research work at the John van Geest Centre in Nottingham.
The day is named in recognition of the statistic that at least 1in2 of us are now predicted to be diagnosed with cancer at some point in our lifetime.
Businesses, individuals and other organisations are asked to join in the fun and fundraise for the centre on the day.
Notts TV is also broadcasting a live one hour fundraising special on February 24 at 6.30pm which will be full of live science, challenges and music!
Alumni and community giving officer at Nottingham Trent University Stephen Knott said: “We now know that one in two of us are scientifically predicted to be diagnosed with cancer at some point in our lifetime.
“It is vital for all of us that we come up with better ways to diagnose and treat this disease.
“The scientists within the John van Geest Centre are doing some amazing work and making real breakthroughs but we need to join together to support this world-class research happening right here in Nottingham.
“We need businesses and organisations to do whatever they can, whether it’s hosting a bake sale, or committing to undertake a personal challenge.
“100 per cent of every donation the centre receives is used directly on research, so together we can make a real difference to cancer patients in our region, and eventually around the world.”
Over £300 raised for #1in2day for #cancerresearch @TrentUni . Pictured here with the raffle and Prof Bob Rees.
— Potter Clarkson LLP (@PotterClarkson) March 11, 2016
Thanks to driver Dayne for fundraising on Go2 Uni 4 today for #1in2day and we’re donating all fares taken today too.
— Nottm City Transport (@NCT_Buses) February 26, 2016
Thanks for making #1in2Day such a success – we’re so #ProudToBePink! Have a great weekend and see you on Monday 👋
— Nottingham Trent Uni (@TrentUni) February 26, 2016
Scientists at the centre have moved a step nearer to working out how cancer cells spread by creating their own panel of prostate cancer.
Last year saw the first public 1in2 Day take place, where a giant hokey cokey in the city, an exercise bike marathon and fancy dress events were just a few of the eye-catching events.
- For more information and to sign up to fundraise contact Stephen Knott via email or on 0115 848 8807.
- To follow the campaign online, search for vanGeestCancer on Facebook and Twitter, and use the Twitter hashtag #1in2day.
- Show your support and donate a pound or two to bucket collectors, or Text ‘CODE12 £2’ to 70070 to support the cause.
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