New suitor for falcon spotted on Nottingham’s live peregrine cameras

One of the falcons spotted in Nottingham
A new suitor for a peregrine falcon has been spotted by avid watchers on Nottingham’s live cameras.
The birds of prey set up home on a ledge at the Newton Building on Goldsmith Street every spring and a live webcam tracks their progress.
Millions of people tune in to the feed, which also features live on Notts TV and has built a cult following since it was launched in 2002.
A new male has been spotted and camera watchers are now waiting to see if the nest will be used and if any eggs will be laid.
Speaking about the new couple, Erin McDaid from Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust said: “The cameras and live web stream provided by Nottingham Trent University have proved to be a massive success.
“Not only have they helped us ensure the safety of these protected birds, they have become a wonderful educational tool with the public and experts alike gaining a new understanding of peregrine behaviour over the years.
“The detective work done by the regular camera watchers to prove we had a new male is a great example of the value of such cameras.
“Thanks to cameras and ringing projects across the UK we now know that adult birds move between successful nest sites more often than previously thought.
“We are all really excited to see if the new couple can continue the success of previous pairings in the nest.”
You can see a live stream of the falcons’ nest here.