GCSE results in Nottingham

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Results are in and young people across the county have been collecting their grades.

School leavers in Nottingham have just found out whether their grades were high enough to get into their chosen college or sixth form.

Nottingham High School For Girl’s achieved strikingly high results, as usual, in contrast to lower results from other schools across the city.

9 girls from the school achieved A* grades in all 10 of their chosen subjects. Amongst them are Blue Bates-Cambridge, Lucy Brown and Sonia Bennett, who are thrilled with their outstanding results.

The school boasts a 99.1% GCSE pass rate with A*-C grades.

“We would like congratulate all our GCSE students. It’s so rewarding for them to see the fruits of all their hard work in their spectacular results”.

– Sure Gorham, Head of Nottingham High School For Girls.

The independent school’s results clash dramatically with the rest of the city.

However, Lauren Williams, 16, of Chilwell managed to achieve an A*, 4 A’s, 2 B’s and 3 C’s.

She says: “I’m over the moon with my results considering how I felt after I had done the exams. I was expecting the worst but I got the best I could imagine!”.

Her mother, Madalaine Williams says: “I’m so proud of Lauren! She worked so very hard leading up to the exams and it paid off today with her results. She can now start her next chapter”.

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Picture: Nottingham High School For Girls students- Blue Bates-Cambridge, Lucy Brown and Sonia Bennett

Councillor John Peck, Nottinghamshire County Council’s committee chairman for children and young people’s services said: “I would like to congratulate Nottinghamshire pupils and their teachers who have worked so hard.

“For many of our young people, these results will be a cause for great celebration, confirming plans for their post-16 education. ”

“Since 2013, all students have been expected to continue to access education or training until their 18th birthday and the increase in apprenticeship opportunities will provide some pupils with appropriate work based opportunities.”

But with many options available for school leavers, including: gap years, exam re-takes, apprenticeships and NVQs – is it really the end of the world, for students who don’t achieve the goal of 5 GCSES?

GCSE results

Picture: Nottingham High School For Girl’s student, Anna Beresford-Brearley can’t believe her results.

Results day can also be a stressful time for parents or guardians, who are not only worried about their child’s future but how to support them through one of the most important times of their lives too.

For those wondering what to do next, UCAS have launched an exam help line, giving advice to GCSE and A level students.

This year also marks the last year of coursework as part of the GCSE curriculum, which may see changes to exam results of future students in the city, and across the country.


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