Historic hall could be given new lease of life as apartments

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Ollerton Hall (credit NSDC)

By Anna Whittaker, Local Democracy Reporter

A historic Nottinghamshire hall which has been left in disrepair could be converted into apartments.

The Grade II listed Ollerton Hall will be transformed into eight homes if plans are approved by Newark and Sherwood District Council.

In 2017, Historic England conducted a survey which concluded the Ollerton Conservation area was at risk due to the hall’s vacancy and neglect.

The building on Main Street was built in the 1700s and could now be given a new lease of life under plans by Severns Developments.

The Markham family were believed to have had the house constructed in the late 17th/early 18th century.

The family were known recusants, meaning they rejected Church of England services at the time, and remained loyal to the Catholic Church after the English Reformation.

Historians believe it is possible a chapel on the attic floor of the hall was constructed to allow the family to practice their faith in secret.

In 2008 the site was sold by Newark and Sherwood District Council to a
developer, which started to use 1990 planning permission to turn it into a care home.

But the works were not completed and the council acquired the property back from the developer in 2016.

Documents for the ‘heritage impact assessment’ submitted with the plans state: “The proposed works to the Site will make appropriate repairs and restoration to the building, as well as bring it back into use. This alleviates the concerns which have led to the Site being labelled as ‘At Risk.’

“Although there is some inevitable loss of historic fabric, this is reduced and
mitigated where possible and outweighed by the public benefits of the
conversion of Ollerton Hall to residential.”

A garage and bike store, as well as 14 car parking spaces, are also proposed as part of the plans.

Councillor Rhona Holloway, Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Visitors at Newark and Sherwood District Council, said: “After being vacant for many years, the District Council purchased the building in 2016 in order to save and protect it.

“Since then the District Council has carried out urgent repairs to the roof as well as securing the site.  Following an open market process, recently the District Council has signed an agreement with a private contractor to convert the building into residential apartments, subject to planning permission approval.

“The appointed contractor has experience of converting heritage buildings in the County and nationally. As part of the legal agreement, they submitted proposals to us before the end of May.

“The scheme consists of a conversion to eight apartments with only very limited new build within the grounds (limited to garages/ancillary elements). The planning application is open for public consultation and it’s anticipated to be taken to the September Planning Committee.”

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