‘It got me out house after my husband died and I was depressed’: Notts care group celebrates 50th birthday

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Daytime activities at Radford Care Group


Video: Eve Gateshill reports on Radford Care Group celebrating its 50th birthday

A Nottinghamshire care group is celebrating 50 years of caring for the elderly and putting on daytime activities.

Radford Care Group has been at the heart of the community to help provide elderly people with entertainment, day care and information sessions.

One woman who regularly attends is Sheila Green, who first went when her husband died.

She said: “I was quite depressed.

“People said that I need to get out and I started to come just on a Tuesday, but now I come on a Tuesday and a Thursday.

“It’s five hours out of the house from being on your own – it’s fantastic and I’ve got loads of friends.

“If you miss coming, the week goes so slowly – it’s that break everyone needs.”

An artist impression of the renovated Radford Care Group

The care group has launched a Buy a Brick campaign, asking for £5 donations to help it reach a £1.3million funding target for a new building.

Chief executive officer for the care group Jill Davies thinks the building is no longer suitable.

She said: “The building is tired, it’s old, it’s a pre-fabricated building that wasn’t really meant to be around this long.

“Let’s not forget it cost us quite a lot in overheads to maintain a building like this – so far we’ve raised £635,000.

“For a small local charity, we think that’s a phenomenal sum and we’re so chuffed.”

Daytime activities at Radford Care Group

The project is due to start this year with the existing building due to be more sustainable and eco-friendly with two storeys and spaces for 75 more people.


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