Labour’s Lilian Greenwood holds Nottingham South

Labour has held Nottingham South with an increased majority – up over ten per cent on the 2010 result.
The Conservative candidate Jane Hunt was in second place with 13,761 of the votes. UKIP’s David Hollas came third, increasing the party’s share of the vote by nearly nine per cent.
It was a bad night for the Liberal Democrats in Nottingham South. Their candidate Deborah Newton-Cook came fifth, the party’s share of the vote down 19.5 % on the previous election.
In her acceptance speech Ms Greenwood said that she was incredibly proud that the people of Nottingham had voted for her.
On the campaign, she said:
It’s been very, very busy going out knocking on doors – we have literally spoken to thousands of people.
“That’s been really enjoyable but I have to admit I’m ready for a little bit of a rest.”
Greenwood also outlined her objectives as MP of Nottingham South:
Nottingham South results
Lilian Greenwood Labour – 20,697
Jane Hunt Conservative – 13,761
David Hollas UK Independence Party – 4,900
Adam McGregor Green – 2,345
Deborah Newton-Cook Liberal Democrat – 1,532
Andrew Clayworth Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition – 230