How ‘Lady Gaga’ turned up in Notts hours after the Super Bowl LI half-time show

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Lady Gaga in Notts

Video: Notts TV’s Anna Butler meets Lady Gaga!

Lady Gaga turned up in Nottingham just hours after finishing her half-time show at Super Bowl LI in Texas.

Well, it wasn’t quite the star herself, but local singer, dancer and impersonator Nicola Marie who strutted her stuff as the American pop icon through Nottingham city centre yesterday.

Starstruck punters got photos with Nicola and some even went as far as getting her autograph.

Nicola said: “A friend of mine said to me ‘Nicola, I can’t believe you’re not being Gaga, you’re crazy, she’s crazy, you dance, she dances, when I hear her on the radio it sounds like you’.

“I thought, OK, I had a good look and thought to myself I can make some good money out of this.

“I love all the outrageous costumes; if I wasn’t Gaga though I would still be me because I have a good life but it’s nice to just be able to entertain people in a short space of time to make them happy and I feel happy making them happy.

“Then I can take the wig off, walk down the street and do whatever I want.”

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