Licensing scheme to ‘weed out’ bad landlords to be extended across other parts of Gedling borough

Gedling Borough Council has set out plans to tackle rising homelessness in the area
By Matt Jarram, Local Democracy Reporter

Gedling Borough Council will charge more landlords in the area to licence their properties in plans to improve the safety of privately-rented homes.

The selective licensing scheme is designed to crackdown on bad landlords which leave rented properties in an unfit and unsafe state for tenants.

The scheme, which would mean around 664 properties need a licence, is to be extended to Carlton Hill, Daybrook, Newstead Abbey and the Colwick wards.

Landlords must pay a fee, ranging from £585 to £700 for each property, to ensure it meets certain criteria.

The council has had a selective licensing scheme in Netherfield since October 2018.

The council said 78 per cent of properties inspected were found to have health and safety hazards below minimum legal standard.

Forty properties had ‘imminent hazards’ that needed ‘immediate action’ such as no suitable means of escape for tenants if a fire broke out.

The council has also served seven civil penalties totalling more than £18,000 in fines for failure to licence properties.

A public consultation was launched by the council to gauge people’s views on whether an extended scheme should run for the next five years.

The 12-week consultation was from October 2020 to January 2021 and was then reopened again from April 2022 to May 2022.

Some landlords have stressed the scheme is nothing more than ‘a tax’ and affects good landlords who already abide by the rules.

It will also mean landlords will sell their properties, putting further demand on the rented sector across the borough.

They said the costs of the scheme is also ‘too high’ and will be ‘passed onto the tenants who are already under pressure with the rising cost of living’ crisis.

Nottinghamshire Police’s local inspector submitted a letter supporting the council’s proposal to extend the scheme.

Inspector Chris Pearson said: “Nottinghamshire Police are supportive of extending the selective licensing scheme to Carlton Hill, Colwick, Daybrook and Newstead Village as these areas have a high proportion of private rented homes and are priority areas for tackling crime and anti-social behaviour in partnership with the council, community other organisations.”

The council’s report to cabinet states: “Over the five-year duration of the scheme the cost to an accredited landlord is £2.25 per week and a non-accredited landlord is £2.69 per week.

“The costs are a small price to pay for ensuring homes are safe and comply with the minimum legal standards.

“The council cannot prevent landlords from passing on the costs to their tenants but would encourage landlords to keep rents fair and take into account the wider benefits of the scheme and potential to improve the areas and potential to increase the value of their asset through the duration of the scheme.

“The revenue generated from the scheme is used to fund the resources to administer the scheme.”

At a cabinet meeting on July 6, Cllr John Clarke (Lab), leader of the council, said: “The first one (in Netherfield) is a substantial success. We have a duty as a council to our residents. I do not have a problem with this and it will help us with another thorn in our side such as Houses of Multiple Occupancy.

“There is some excellent landlords in the area but this is to catch people who do not provide the facilities they should do in 2022. You only have to look at Grenfell.

“It will weed out the ones that are not doing their job properly and I think it will save lives.”