‘Long overdue’ £20m awarded to transform Ollerton town centre

Artists' impressions of the regenerated Ollerton town centre
By Jamie Waller, Local Democracy Reporter

Sherwood has been awarded nearly £20m to turn Ollerton into a visitor destination and attract high-tech businesses to Clipstone.

The Government Levelling Up money is “long overdue” for the region, the local council leader says.

The central piece of the bid will be to rejuvenate Ollerton town centre, with a cinema, better shops, pubs and eating areas, and a hub for public services.

Investment will also be used to build highly energy-efficient units in Clipstone which would be suitable for high-tech enterprises.

The bid was initially turned down in the second round of Levelling Up funding, but was included in the government’s third round of £1.1billion investment today (November 20).

Sherwood has been awarded nearly £20m of Levelling Up funding

Newark and Sherwood District Council leader Councillor Paul Peacock (Lab) said the money was “great news for the economy”, but the area still needs more.

“These are very exciting times. The money will help to transform Ollerton town centre,” he said.

“The goal is to turn Ollerton into a destination people want to visit and increase footfall, as well as generating more investment.

“It will start work in a piece of land that has been derelict for 25 years.

“We’re grateful the money has come our way, but it’s long overdue. Ollerton and Clipstone have been neglected, as have lots of other former mining communities in the area.

“They’ve not had the investment they desperately need.”

He added that the benefits would hopefully be seen soon.

“We’ve told the government we’re ready to move quickly with these plans as soon as planning applications are approved,” Cllr Peacock said.

“It will take a few years to fully realise everything in Ollerton, but the Clipstone building work will hopefully start in the New Year.

“Now we need to see other infrastructure we’ve been waiting a long time for, like the improvements to the A614 and extending the Robin Hood Line.”

Nottingham was successful in its own £20m bid for Bulwell town centre, but failed in securing any further investment for Broadmarsh.