Major plans for 470 homes in Bramcote tipped for approval

A street scene visualisation from the developer
By Joe Locker, Local Democracy Reporter
Major plans for 470 homes in Bramcote have been tipped for approval despite concerns over the impact on the environment and local amenities.
Avant Homes and The White Hills Park Trust is proposing to build the homes on former Bramcote School playing fields off Coventry Lane.
Some of the land had also been on the green belt until 2019, when Broxtowe Borough Council earmarked the area for residential development in its local plan.
The council allocated the land for 500 homes, however the number was reduced after the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church was excluded.
The developer initially submitted plans for 473 homes, but this was revised to 470 following concerns over a lack of open space and “cramped” housing.
“The proposed dwellings comprise a mix of two, three, four and five-bed dwellings which are two storeys in height, some having rooms within the roof to provide three storeys of accommodation, and would be a mix of terraced, semi and detached properties,” planning documents say.
“It is proposed that 143 two and three-bedroomed dwellings across the site are to be allocated as affordable housing.
“This represents 30 per cent of the total.”
The main issues relate to whether the development would be detrimental to road safety, services such as GP surgeries and schools, as well as local wildlife and biodiversity.
The land was used as playing fields until they were declared surplus to requirements and sold.
While there is no formal public access to or across the site, the area is used by nearby residents recreationally and for dog walking.
Part of the land had been on the Bramcote Moors green belt and remains a Local Wildlife Site.
The Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust has raised issue with the potential impacts on foraging bats, while the Beeston and District Civic Society has also recommended refusal due to the impact on the environment.
In total 146 addresses were consulted, and 45 objections were made alongside 12 observations.
None were in support.
The Bramcote Neighbourhood Forum held an urgent meeting in September to discuss the revised plans and voted in favour of the proposed development so long as several conditions are met to address the forum’s concerns.
Avant Homes And The White Hills Park Trust has proposed a Section 106 financial contribution of £525,000 for bus service provision, £1,969,050 for education provision including 75 new secondary school spaces, £367,556 for post-16 education and £180,644 for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) provision.
Stapleford Library will get a £16,561 cash boost.
A request will also be made for capital payment toward infrastructure improvements at Stapleford Hill and the Hemlock Stone, as well as Bramcote Hills Park.
The proceeds from the sale of the land to the developer would be used to build a replacement secondary school at Bramcote College site.
In response to early concerns the developer made a number of changes, including retaining hedgerows, increasing the number of green corridors throughout the development and widening access roads.
Planning documents say: “The site is allocated in the Part 2 Local Plan for residential development, subject to the prior delivery of a secondary school, and mitigation for the loss of the Local Wildlife Site.
“The development would achieve both these key development requirements.
“The development would deliver a wide range of housing, including the delivery of 30 per cent affordable housing to be provided on site.
“These matters carry significant weight, and, subject to compliance with conditions, and securement of financial contributions and ecology enhancements set out in the Section 106, it is considered that overall the development would outweigh any negative impacts.”
Plans have been recommended for approval at a planning committee meeting on November 8.