Mobile IT system is latest weapon in Nottinghamshire Police’s fight against crime


The IT system is being paid for out of Home Office funding of almost £3m.

It will allow officers from Nottinghamshire and the other forces in the East Midlands access to important information while out in the field. increasing the time they  can spend on the front line and reducing the need for frequent trips back to stations.

It’s estimated officers will spend up to 20 per cent more of their time out of the office.

Boost visibility

Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Paddy Tipping, says the new system will help the force boost police visibility, which is something he says  all communities want.

“These projects will help us to reduce our costs in the future and provide greater value for the taxpayer,” he says.

The combined sum of the successful funding awards is almost £3m which is certainly to be welcomed at a time when we are all facing crippling budgets, with little cash available to meet the increasingly sophisticated nature of criminality.

The Home Office has also awarded £100,000 to forces across the East Midlands towards the cost of a new digital lab within the East Midlands Special Operations Unit.

This facility will enhance the unit’s e-forensic examination capabilities and it’s ability to investigate offences in relation to cyber crime, online child sexual exploitation, serious and organised crime and terrorism.