More than 100 homes next to active waste facility in Nottingham tipped for approval

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Artist Impression of Trent Basin

By Joe Locker, Local Democracy Reporter

The owner of a waste processing plant in Nottingham has asked that the impacts on residents are properly considered as plans for 110 new homes near it are set to be approved.

Plans for the homes, submitted by developer Blueprint, will form the next phase in the £100m Trent Basin development.

The latest site is a nine-acre plot of former industrial land, which surrounds Trent Basin on the north bank of the River Trent and sits to the west of Trent

The latest phase has been tipped for approval at a Nottingham City Council planning committee meeting on April 19.

Service company Veolia currently operates a waste management facility in Freeth Street, which processes household waste and recycling on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council.

The facility sits next to the proposed development, and includes a yard and building for the storage and transfer of waste.

Veolia says it is seeking to relocate to a new site, which was recently granted planning permission, at Colwick Industrial Estate.

However it says the new site is “years from full operation” and the Freeth Street facility will continue to operate as is “for the foreseeable future”.

It has therefore asked the council to consider any impact on residents if the development is approved, with some operations taking place as early as 4am and ceasing as late as 6pm.

In planning documents, Veolia says: “The establishment of habitable accommodation closer to these operations has the potential to cause amenity issues to future residents that should be fully considered.

“If the City Council is minded to approve the application, then Veolia would request that full consideration is given to the use of appropriate conditions to provide suitable mitigation measures to reduce the potential for conflict between the two incompatible land uses, which could, amongst other things, include mechanical ventilation, triple glazing, acoustic fencing and the retention and replanting of suitable boundary screening in order to ensure that the two land uses can continue to operate unfettered.”

In response, city planners said: “The response of Veolia to the proposed residential development of the site is acknowledged and accepted.

“While it may be several years before the proposed development would be progressed to a point proximate to Veolia’s waste transfer operations, planning conditions are proposed in order to ensure that appropriate mitigation measures are provided should the advised relocation of the waste transfer operation not have occurred by that time.”

All existing industrial buildings, except two groups of warehouses, on the brownfield site will have to be demolished to make way for the homes.

A “parking barn” will also be built with around 200 car parking spaces, alongside new roads and 3,000 square-feet of space for a café and food and drink outlets.

A new community travel hub will also be built on the site.

A number of homes have already been built in the Waterside Regeneration Zone, which sits on the banks of the River Trent, and around 2,000 homes could be built in the area over the next decade.

A new pedestrian and cycle bridge is also set to be built in the near future, with a planning application due to be submitted in the summer.

The new bridge will link the Trent Basin area west of Trent Lane, off Daleside Road in the city, to south bank of the river close to The Hook nature reserve in Lady Bay, Rushcliffe.

It will become the first crossing built over the river in the city in 65 years.

If the new homes are approved, the developer will also give, through a Section 106 agreement, £1,061,175.50 to affordable housing schemes in the city, £294,071.69 for public open space, £500,294.21 for education projects and a further £109,219.77 to employment and training initiatives.

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