Nottingham City Council crack down on foreign vehicles parked illegally

Workplace Parking Levy to rise in Nottingham

Nottingham City Council is to award a contract to collect up to two years of fines given to foreign vehicles which have been parked illegally.

As it stands, the council are unable to trace the owners of these vehicles that have outstanding penalty charges.

A two-year contract is to be awarded to Euro Parking Collection (EPC) – a service which deals in pursuing and charging the debts of foreign vehicles.

By doing so, the council are hoping to strengthen its consistent approach to the enforcement of road safety and parking restrictions.

Value for money

It is also seen as good value for money.

EPC does not charge for the service until the money has been collected from the vehicle owner and it will then invoice the council for 30% of fines obtained.

It is envisaged that around £45,000 will be collected in the two year period, with the council receiving over £30,000.

Civil Enforcement Response Team Officer 566 for Nottingham City Council is frustrated by the time spent trying to clamp down on foreign vehicles.

She said: “We like to treat people exactly the same so that enforcement is the same across the board.

“The fact we are spending that amount of time dealing with a vehicle that is going to get away with a fine is potentially quite unfair.”

The officer also suggested that this may be down to a lack of education when it comes to the city’s parking regulations.

Video: Officer 566 on the increase of illegally parked foreign vehicles