Nottingham knitting group creates 2000 hats for Age UK’s campaign

Silverdale Knit and Natter Group have grabbed their needles to help Age UK stop the deaths of elderly people caused from unheated homes.
Age UK’s Spread the Warmth Campaign helps to keep older people warm through the winter.
The Silverdale Knit and Natter Group from Nottingham, have been working away for several months to create small hats that will be placed on top of Innocent smoothie bottles. For each one sold in the supermarkets, twenty five pence will be donated to Age UK’s campaign.
The charity has estimated that 1.7 million older people can’t afford to heat their homes in the UK, that’s 200 deaths a day that could be prevented.
This is the second year the knitting group has been involved in the campaign after one of the members decided to join in.
Pat Naylor, Knit and Natter member, talks about how they got involved.
This isn’t their only project, the ladies enjoy doing their bit to help lots of different causes with their knitting needles.
The group’s efforts will soon be making it’s way to supermarkets to raise money for the charity.