Nottingham landlord fined £12,000 for unsafe house

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A Nottingham landlord has been fined more than £12,OO0 for leaving a property in a dangerous condition.

Sam Goldman, 49, Company Director of Goldman Estates in Lenton Boulevard, was fined £12,620 after Nottingham City Council’s housing team took him to court for failing to licence the Mansfield Road home (pictured above).

He pleaded guilty to breaching eight regulations, which included failing to ensure fire safety in the house was sufficient, and allowing waste and builders’ material to be left in it.

The conditions were extremely worrying

Under the Housing Act 2004 owners of ‘multiple occupancy houses’, with five or more occupants over three or more storeys, are required to own a license.

Councillor Nicola Heaton, the council’s Portfolio Holder for Community Services said: “The conditions found by our officers at this property were extremely worrying with multiple breaches of fire safety regulations which could have had serious consequences.”

She added: “This prosecution is another success for our rogue landlord campaign and sends out a strong message that we will not allow tenants’ lives to be put at risk by people who prioritise rental income over safety.”

Around 850 calls relating to housing disrepair have been received by the council’s housing team since January.

The authority says some of these homes were found to be overcrowded, damp, with rats, dangerous electrics, and unsanitary conditions.

In total 27 properties which deemed to be too dangerous to live in had to be closed.

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