Nottingham man leads fight against Type 2 diabetes after cases rise 25 per cent in five years

Since joining the programme Andy Solomon says he now has more energy and feels positive about his future.

A 63-year-old man from Nottingham is leading a fight against type 2 diabetes after being told he is at risk of developing it by his GP.

Andy Solomon from Radford is helping to promote the Healthier You: Diabetes Prevention Programme, which helps people change their diet, weight and the amount of physical activity they do.

Recent figures show cases of type 2 diabetes in Nottinghamshire have risen by 25 per cent in five years, and one in 15 people across the county now have it.

The condition, which is linked to obesity and an unhealthy lifestyle, rose from 42,897 cases to 53,643 between 2010 and 2015, and there has been a 4.4 per cent increase in the last 12 months.

Andy says he wants people to know it is never too late to make vital lifestyle changes which could prevent them from developing the problem.

The Engineering Support Technician said: “By making some small changes I’ve noticed a big difference in a short space of time.

“I have always been conscious about what I eat but the programme has taught me new things about food and how to eat a more balanced diet.

“I have cut out sugar, started eating more fruit and vegetables and now have chocolate as an occasional treat.”

The 10-month programme, run by the NHS and local authorities, involves weekly sessions showing people the benefits of making small lifestyle changes.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes may include:

  • Increased thirst
  • Increased hunger
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Frequent urination
  • Tiredness/low energy
  • Blurred vision
  • Headaches

When Andy started the programme he weighed nearly 16 stone (100kg) but has already lost ‘inches’ and says he now has more energy and feels positive about his future.

He said: “My blood pressure is back to normal and I no longer have to take tablets – I am wearing clothes that haven’t fitted in years and walking has become much easier.

“My family like sweets and cakes so it can sometimes be challenging but they are supportive and don’t push me to eat the foods that I need to avoid.

“It takes discipline but I can feel the benefits more than anything – I would advise anyone wanting to improve their health to take part in the programme.”

The initiative, which started in the East Midlands in July 2016, will eventually be fully rolled out across England in a bid to drive down type 2 diagnosis figures.

The rise in diabetes cases is linked to growing weight problems.

Amy Gouldstone, who leads the Nottingham groups, said: “It can be hard to make changes to your unhealthy habits as you may have practiced them for many years.

“The Healthier You programme has given people the confidence and inspiration to reduce their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and those on the programme are seeing the benefits already.

“They’re losing weight, feeling energised and feel very thankful they’ve been given the opportunity to get support from the programme and the other group members.”

The current cost of treating diabetes nationally is £10 billion, a year which is nearly 10 per cent of the health service’s entire budget.

It is thought if diabetes is not tackled the cost could spiral to £17 billion by 2035.

More information on Type 2 diabetes and the Healthier You Programme can be found on the NHS website.