Notts fire investigation dog retiring from service

Freckle the Spaniel, will be handing over his fire boots after seven years of service as the fire investigation dog for the East Midlands.

The beloved service dog has been the East Midlands Fire Investigation dog since 2008, attending on average 200 fire investigation jobs per year.

The well loved dog will be missed not only by Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service but also at Leicestershire, Northampton and Lincolnshire where he has played a key part in investigations.

Freckle, who has been in the job for several years has been influential in the fire investigation of many high profile cases including the tragic fire at Victory Road, Derby, that sadly resulted in the death of six children.

Fire Investigation Dog

Picture: Freckle will be retiring after seven years of service with the East Midlands Fire Service. 

The Spaniels career as an investigation dog started when police dog trainers discovered his dislike for loud noise, gunshots and explosions.

He was offered to his current handler, Watch Manager Dave Coss, to assess his suitability to take over the lead from the then fire investigation dog, Fudge.

East Midlands Fire Investigation Dog Handler, Watch Dave Coss said: “I am immensely proud to have been able to work with Freckle, who has been a brilliant asset to the fire investigation team throughout the East Midlands.

“There is a famous saying, never work with children or animals, well I can truly say, I am honoured to work with animals, and Freckle has been a fantastic, loyal, talented and professional colleague, who can now retire as a much loved pet.”

-Watch Manager, Dave Coss will keep Freckle at his family home.

Now to follow in his footsteps and following an intensive training period, Dexter, a 14 month old black and white cocker spaniel, is to take over the lead for fire investigation from the much loved and long serving dog ‘Freckle’.

Fire Investigation Dog

Picture: Dexter, the 14-month-old Cocker Spaniel will take over as the new Fire Investigation dog. 

Mr Coss said; “I know Dexter has big boots to fill, but he is already showing he is up to the job, having successfully passed his licence assessment”.

The role of the fire investigation dog is essential to the work of fire investigation teams. Dogs are specifically trained to search for and detect accelerants that may have been used to start a fire.

Evidence that is detected through the use of fire investigation dogs, once verified, is admissible for use in court hearings.

But as his career has come to an end, Freckle will enjoy his retirement, continuing to live with Watch Manager Coss and his family as a much loved and faithful companion.