Notts MP Anna Soubry attacks Michael Gove over EU Brexit stance

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Election- Broxtowe Candidate Anna Soubry

Video: Michael Gove talks to Notts TV about what leaving the EU could mean

Broxtowe MP Anna Soubry has attacked the ‘vote leave’ EU argument of her fellow senior Conservative Michael Gove.

Soubry spoke out in favour of the ‘remain’ argument ahead of the crucial June 23 referendum.

Former education secretary Gove urged Nottinghamshire to vote to exit the union on Friday, saying it would save the country £350 million in week.

And today he set out a more detailed case for an exit, saying the country should adopt a points-based immigration system and become part of a Europe-wide free trade area.

But Ms Soubry countered by saying the ‘Vote Leave’ campaign has “failed to set out a detailed vision for what being out on our own looks like.”


She added: “Leaving the European Union is a leap into the dark that would leave Britain’s families’ worse off to the tune of £4,300 a year.

“Independent experts including the London School of Economics, the IMF, the OECD, the Bank of England and others have all made clear that the economy would be damaged if we leave the EU.

“That means there will be less money for our public services like the NHS or higher taxes for working people.

“That’s why we are stronger, safer and better off in the European Union.”

EU-referendum-nottstvBritain will be asked to vote in the referendum on June 23, with the question on the referendum papers asking: “Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?”

The options for voters will be ‘Remain a member of the European Union’ and ‘Leave the European Union’.

A vote was promised by Prime Minister David Cameron as part of the Conservatives’ successful 2015 General Election campaign – and the debate has become one of the most protracted, heated and complex in recent British political history.

Supporters of the ‘Vote Leave’ campaign, often referred to as ‘Brexit’ say the country does not get value for money from the Union and suffers from not having enough control over making its own laws.

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