Pedestrianisation of Station Street completed today

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Station Street before the pedestrianisation in 2013 (Picture: Google)

The pedestrianisation of Station Street has been completed as part of the railway station revamp.

The £1.375m environmental improvement scheme means that the Station Street now features new paving and road surfaces along with new traffic management.

Work started in September 2015 and now Station Street from Carrington Street to Trent Street has a paved area specifically for cyclists and pedestrians.

The work has been completed ‘on time’ and ‘in budget’ according to the Nottingham City Council.

Seven million passengers will benefit

Portfolio Holder for Business, Growth and Transport Nick McDonald said: “We now have a refreshed, welcoming area which looks attractive, improves connectivity around the station and provides new outdoor opportunities for businesses.

“The station serves more than seven million passengers each year who will benefit from the improvements to the surrounding area.

“We thank local residents and businesses for their patience and apologise for any further inconvenience of works taking place to complete the transformation of the area.”

Some additional works will take place between August 1 and the end of September when trees will be planted and new street lights and benches will be installed.

Paving that could not be installed due to scaffolding around the station entrance will also be laid.


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