Plans for new homes near historic cottage set for refusal

Newark and Sherwood District Council offices.
By Anna Whittaker, Local Democracy Reporter

Plans for new homes close to a historic cottage which was once home to a 19th century artist are expected to be refused by councillors.

In April, a decision on the application for up to three new houses to the rear of Ullyats Cottage was deferred by Newark and Sherwood District Council’s planning committee.

Objectors argue the building has historical importance as Victorian artist and illustrator Kate Greenaway grew up at the cottage in Fiskerton Road, Rolleston.

Applicant Nottinghamshire County Council also wants to realign a public footpath as part of the plan, which Rolleston Parish Council objected to.

The application site was formally part of a Nottinghamshire County Council smallholding.

But officers are recommending councillors refuse the application during a planning meeting on May 10.

Ward member councillor Roger Blaney (Con) called the application to a planning committee due to the “over-intensive development”.

The local parish council said: “The proposals were deemed to represent an over-intensive development of the site which would also have a detrimental impact on the setting and viability of the adjoining property, Ullyats Cottage, which has significant local historic and cultural importance.

“Wider concerns were also raised in respect of an inadequacy of safe car parking, loss of footpath amenity and the provision of adequate servicing.”

Nottinghamshire Building Preservation Trust (NBPT) also objected to the plans and added that “the development of the land would clearly also have a detrimental effect on the amenity of the cottage”.

They said: “The loss of this open space and the effect on the existing public footpath, hedgerow and wildlife is unacceptable.”

Neighbours also commented on the “historical significance” of Ullyats Cottage as well as raising concerns over impacts on wildlife, parking and loss of privacy.

A decision on the plans will be made on May 10.