Plans refused for homes in ‘hidden gem’ Notts village

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Broxtowe Borough Council offices.

By Anna Whittaker, Local Politics Reporter

Plans for five ‘executive’ homes in a tiny Nottinghamshire village were rejected in a tense council meeting.

The plans for the demolition of kennels and the construction of the homes at Babbington Hall, Westby Lane, were discussed at Broxtowe Borough Council’s Planning Committee on July 7.

Documents say one kennels building would be kept by the applicant for use by Babbington Dog Rescue Centre.

But councillors opposed the plans, with the leader Milan Radulovic labelling them as “totally and utterly unacceptable”.

Applicant Tony Sanderson told the meeting he had “18 years of successfully helping the community and approximately 12,000 dogs to get new homes or get veterinary treatment”.

He said: “We have been open about this as we had wanted, due to our age, to pass on the business and the rescue to someone who would carry on caring for local dogs in trouble, albeit we are now on a very reduced number.

“My wife and I don’t take a wage and never have over the 18 years.

“The community will benefit [from the new homes] from the major reduction in traffic and noise, which includes ourselves.

“The changed look of the site would fit much better with the way Babbington Hamlet is.”

Councillor Mel Crow, who said she spoke on behalf of residents in Babbington village, said: “I would say that the proposed development is not at all in keeping with the area.

“The dwellings are proposed to have a cul-de-sac style layout and that is what you might see in a suburban area, which is far from in keeping with the existing houses in Babbington village.

“To support this recommendation will change the landscape of this hidden gem in Broxtowe forever.”

Councillor Shane Easom said that residents in Babbington village are “not in agreement” with the plans.

He said: “This to me just appears to be money-making, we’re going to make five executive, very expensive properties in prime greenland.

“I would ask that you look at this for what it is and turn it down.”

The leader of Broxtowe Borough Council Milan Radulovic said: “This sets a dangerous precedent for planning across the borough.

“I won’t support it and I can’t support it. Five houses of that scale and size is totally out of character and totally inappropriate.

“It’s totally and utterly unacceptable. I am not unsympathetic to the need to develop part of that site, but this should be rejected.”

But councillor for Kimberley Richard Robinson said he was “staggered” by comments made by other councillors at the meeting.

He said: “I am appalled at some of the statements that have been made tonight.

“What the owner and his organisation have done for this borough, for this county and the country is absolutely huge.

“My understanding is that not everybody opposes the application.”

The application was refused by the planning committee by 12 votes to one.

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