St Patrick’s Day: Nottingham celebrates but parade’s future in doubt

Nottingham’s St Patrick’s Day celebrations are some of the biggest in the country, but a lack of funding could mean next year’s parade comes to an ill-fated halt.

The annual parade and celebration, which commenced at midday, is organised by the St Patrick’s Day festival committee – with support from Nottingham City Council.

This year’s procession, resplendent with marching bands and groups from the Irish community, makes its way from the Forest Recreation Ground to Old Market Square.

Visitors will be able to enjoy an afternoon of live music, dancing and food in Market Square while also drinking in the inimitable hospitality of the Irish.

Mary McGowan, a member of the parade’s organising committee, had previously voiced concerns about the future of their festivities.

Quieter St Patrick’s Day 

Speaking to Notts TV News  she said: “It’s not looking very good at the moment, but we are hoping that in the next couple of days there will be some money forthcoming from various organisations.”

The Irish Government have been contributing to the parade since it started 16 years ago – with around £11,000 a year.

However, with the event costing £25,000 to organise and significant cuts to funding, Nottingham could be a whole lot quieter on St Paddy’s Day next year.

Ms McGowan added: “We had a cut in funding from the Irish Government and Nottingham City Council, and with the downturn of the economy, some of the construction companies are either no longer in business or have cut the funding as well.

We’ve been hit from all angles really.

Despite all this, Ms McGowan remains hopeful that this year’s celebrations could sway potential investors to keep the parade marching on for years to come.

For more information on the parade and other St Patrick’s Day events, visit the website here.

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