Stonebridge farm visits the children’s ward at QMC

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Patients on the children’s oncology and burns unit at the Queens Medical Centre were welcomed by some furry friends as a special treat.

Stonebridge City Farm was welcomed by the children’s ward at the QMC today, with lots of young smiling faces wanting to meet the small animals.

The rabbits and guinea-pigs brought smiles to all the children’s faces. They were able to meet them and give them a cuddle.

Taylor Marshall, a one-year-old who has been at the QMC for the past 4 months after contracting meningitis had a big smile on his face after meeting the baby animals.

His mum, Terri Lewsley from Long Eaton who celebrated her sons first birthday yesterday said:

“Events like these break up the day, it’s something nice and different for the kids to enjoy rather than being stuck on a ward in bed.”


Picture: Taylor Marshall, who contracted meningitis enjoying the animal visit. 

Shahnaz Akhtar, a play specialist on the children’s oncology ward believes that having visits like this helps to bring smiles to children who are going through a really tough time.

“For them to have a bit of normality to their day is amazing for them. It really makes your day worth while, the children are happy which makes you happy as staff.”

The animal visit was enjoyed by lots of patients and their families. Stonebridge City Farm said that it was a privilege to be able to bring the animals in for the children to see and light up their faces.

“To see a smile on their little faces says it all. It’s such a pleasure to see them enjoying themselves at a time when life isn’t probably that fun.”

-Steven Gee, the Operations Co-ordinator for Stonebridge

The event today left smiles all round, with families and all the children being able to have a bit of fun away from the hospital wards, where many spend a lot of their time.



Picture: Charlie and Michael Croft-Meakin enjoying a cuddle with the little animals.


Picture: Two-year-old Chloe Flannagan who is recovering from surgery stroking Gimley the rabbit.


Picture: Kaitlin Godfrey aged three, who has Leukaemia cuddling a baby guinea-pig.

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