Transport event aims to improve Nottingham’s carbon footprint

ng2 business park

The Ng2 business park on Experian Way, has organised a special event to encourage a change in ‘travel behaviour’ in Nottinghamshire.

It is the goal of the ‘Totally Transport’ initiative to reduce congestion, carbon emissions and car dependency in the city by walking or cycling to work, or even using public transport.

Councillor Nick McDonald, Portfolio Holder for Jobs, Growth and Transport at Nottingham City Council believes the city can benefit from taking part in the event, he said: “This event will showcase the many alternatives there are to driving to work.

“It is a chance to try some other form of transport and has some great prizes on offer for people that work on the business park. With a tram stop soon to open; walking, cycling and public transport facilities are really integrated at Ng2.”

The event is funded by the European Union’s Intelligent Energy Europe, Push Pull Project, which gave Nottingham £74,000 to deliver travel planning measures to three business parks in the city.

The ‘Totally Transport’ event is taking place in the Specsavers canteen in the Ng2 business park with various stalls and marquees close by.

People who work on the business park will be eligible to enter several prize draws for a chance to win a one year City Car Club membership, a Brompton bicyle, an annual Kangaroo Pass, a six-month Trent Barton saver ticket and a pair of First Class train tickets to London amongst other prizes.

The event is running between 11am and 2pm.