Travellers camped at Clifton Village Green given 24 hours to leave

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Travellers camp at Clifton Village green

Travellers at Clifton Village Green

A travellers’ camp on Clifton Village Green has been given 24 hours to leave the site after being issued with an eviction notice by police.

Five caravans, as well as other vehicles, housing Irish travellers and their families set up camp in Clifton Village Green on June 27.

Nottinghamshire Police arrived to give the travellers the notice two days after receiving complaints from residents.

The order states that they have 24 hours to move from the area before a court order will be issued.

Nottingham City Council had previously considered plans to install a barrier to protect the site after travellers camped there annually.

Previous travellers setting up on the green led to reports from residents of litter being left behind, children defecating in gardens and other forms of anti-social behaviour.

Steve Young, Councillor for Clifton South, said: “We are looking at putting a low level fence round but the problem is the cost as the council doesn’t have the cash for this sort of thing.

But it is something that needs doing because the people around here are not very happy with it.

Councillor Steve Young for Clifton South.

However, Elizabeth Jost, whose house overlooks the green, said that their behaviour was a lot better than in previous years.

She said: “On the whole they are not disturbing me, they’re not doing anything wrong and I don’t have any problem with that, not anymore.”

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