Watch: Smallest ice cream van in the world comes to intu Victoria Centre and Broadmarsh

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The smallest ice cream van in the world came to the Victoria Centre and Broadmarsh

Video: Kate Chaplin gets a cornet from the world’s smallest ice cream van

The smallest ice cream van in the world which stands at one metre high stopped off at the Victoria Centre to ‘make people happy’.

Research by intu, who own the intu Victoria Centre and intu Broadmarsh, found that ice cream is one of the top things that puts a smile on people’s faces.

The ‘Nice Cream Van’ measures just 47 inches long and 39 inches high with a maximum speed of 12mph.

Mr Happy gave out free ice cream throughout the day at both Victoria Centre and Broadmarsh.

He said: “I managed to get through 300 tubs of ice cream in the Victoria Centre in no time.

“We’ve been from Glasgow and we’re going all the way through to Essex on a countrywide tour – so far we’ve done Newcastle, Manchester and Derby to name a few.

“People usually have ice cream when they’re on the beach or on holiday which are the top ranking things which make people happy.”

Video: The smallest ice cream van in action

Marketing manager at intu Victoria and Broadmarsh Centres Nicola McCabe said: “The real win of this ice cream van is to see the smile people’s faces for those lucky enough to get a free ice cream.

“We work really hard to create experiences that will surprise and delight our customers and make each individual shopping trip a happier, more memorable one.”

The research also found 85 per cent of people in Nottingham feel happier in the summer than they do in the winter, with sunshine, longer days and more outdoor activity the top three reasons given.

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