Work starts on QMC’s new footbridge to connect tram stop to the main hospital

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Artist impression of the new QMC tram entrance to the hospital

Video: Artist impression of what the finished entrance will look like

Work is underway on a new footbridge to connect the QMC’s tram stop to the main hospital.

The new walkway is expected to open in summer 2017 and will provide direct access from the tram platform to the south side of the hospital.

Since the tram stop opened at the hospital in August 2015, over 140,000 trams have passed through.

Peter Homa, chief executive of Nottingham University Hospitals Trust, which runs the QMC, said: “It continues to grow in popularity, with some 2,200 passengers choosing the tram to get to and from our hospital daily.

“The commencement of construction work on this much-needed development is good news for everyone.

“We look forward to the opening of new bridge this summer and the even better access it will provide to tram passengers.”

The £1.4m development has been supported with £300,000 funding from Nottingham City Council.

Portfolio Holder for Business, Growth and Transport Councillor Nick McDonald said: “Nottingham has one of the best-integrated public transport networks in the country and QMC was the first UK hospital directly on a tram route.

“As one of the key locations on the network, the new link bridge will provide quicker and easier access for patients, visitors and staff travelling to the hospital.”

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