Council to consider Beeston student housing as part of town’s redevelopment

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Plans for the student housing in Beeston (credit Broxtowe Borough Council)

By Anna Whittaker, Local Democracy Reporter

A decision on plans for a 419-bedroom student accommodation block as part of a multi-million-pound development in Beeston is expected next week.

The project is planned as part of the Beeston Square redevelopment and the building would sit next to the new Arc Cinema in the town.

The £50m project also has a range of businesses including the newly opened Beeston Social.

Cassidy Group applied to the council to build the studio flats on land between Styring Street, Middle Street and Station Road.

Officers have recommended Broxtowe Borough Council approves the plans during a planning committee meeting on July 27.

Initially, the plans received 176 objections and 44 letters of support – but by the second consultation, there were 33 objections and 58 letters of support.

The plans for the site, which is currently being used as a council car park, were first submitted in February 2022.

Since then, concerns have been raised over student “overpopulation” within Beeston, lack of parking, unacceptable design, anti-social behaviour concerns and a negative impact on house prices.

People who supported the plans said that the current site is an eyesore and that the proposals will free up more family homes.

Council documents stated that the development has been designed so it has  “no significant impact in terms of any potential overlooking, overbearing or
overshadowing impact”.

Beeston Civic Society raised an objection and said: “Where is the evidence for the need for this purpose built student accommodation in Beeston, above and beyond that of residential dwellings? Where is the need for studio flats?”

Council documents added: “The benefits of the proposal are that the development would provide a good standard of purpose built accommodation, in a highly sustainable location, and which could contribute to the freeing up of dwelling houses which are suitable for long term residents. On-site car parking and cycle storage is proposed.”

The local NHS has requested a £90,818 developer contribution towards local doctors’ surgeries in the area.

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