Major document unveiled to make Hucknall a ‘vibrant, diverse and resilient’ town

Hucknall Town Centre
By Andrew Topping, Local Democracy Reporter

Plans to breathe new life into Hucknall’s town centre have been revealed by Ashfield District Council as the authority pushes forward with plans to ‘level up’ the town.

Hucknall could become an “attractive, vibrant, accessible, unique and resilient” place under the council-led plans, which aim to promote its “heritage, distinct character and culture”.

It comes as the authority publishes its draft Hucknall masterplan, a 38-page document outlining how the town will be transformed over the coming years.

It forms part of the council’s wider plans to give Hucknall a new lease of life, with elements of the document to underpin a future £20 million bid for the Government’s Levelling Up Fund.

The document, published on Tuesday (March 22), confirms various parts of the town centre and surrounding sites would be given a face-lift to improve Hucknall’s appeal to residents.

More focus would be given to improving and redeveloping old buildings in the town’s conservation area, enhancing transport links and building on what the authority describes as a “noticeably more vibrant” night-time scene.

Several sites are identified for redevelopment, including disused buildings in Watnall Road to be used for four town centre multiple-occupation homes.

The authority also wants to improve the appearance of high street stores, including in the Chapel Street area, to “improve the sense of place and the perception of safety” at night.

Underused land between South Street and the Half Moon Public House is earmarked for redevelopment, with the council saying it could support food and drink, leisure, retail, offices or residential use.

Land off Ashgate Road is also mentioned in the document as a potential “transport interchange” for tram and bus users, incorporating food and drink businesses, toilets, cycle hire and car parking.

This would couple potential plans for an ‘integrated transport hub’ around the tram and railway station, improving “connectivity to and from High Street” as well as employment at Harrier Park, Nottingham and other out-of-town sites.

There are also plans to improve the corner of Portland Road and Station Road, nearly the newly-opened Byron Cinema, to create “good quality public space” and enhance the local wildlife.

The council also wants to improve “dead space” between Peacocks and Wetherspoon, on Watnall Road and High Street, and outlines plans for potential ‘green walls’ or murals in various parts of the town.

And there are also plans to improve the shop fronts of various town centre stores, moving away from box shutters across closed shops to create a more “attractive street scene”.

The document will go before the authority’s cabinet on March 29 with councillors recommended to go out for a four-week consultation on the plans between April and May.

Quoted in the document, Councillor Jason Zadrozny (Ash Ind), leader of the council, said: “Our priority is to build community pride and aspiration across Ashfield.

“The initial works around Hucknall town centre will make a real difference to the way the town looks and provide a more positive experience for people visiting Hucknall.

“We want residents to be proud of where they live and see our town centres as a safe place to shop and visit.

“Increasing inward investment into the district is also key. The creation of skilled jobs can only help in inspiring young people in their career choices.”

Martin Rigley, chair of the Discover Ashfield board, added: “The Covid pandemic has accelerated the shift away from retail dominated town centres and demanded a more complex mix of retail, leisure, food, drink and events.

“This has created a wonderful opportunity for Hucknall to reinvent itself and become a vibrant, diverse, and resilient town centre that adapts to, and truly serves, its population and the wider area.”

The document follows a similar masterplan for Hucknall, published in 2009, with the new plans to build off previous proposals.

The authority states it will “support the development” of its £20 million Levelling Up Fund bid, which is being drawn up alongside the Discover Ashfield board and other partners including Sherwood MP Mark Spencer (Con).

It follows the authority receiving £62.6 million for Kirkby and Sutton in the Towns Fund bid, and a separate £6.27 million for Sutton in the Future High Streets Fund.