New fines for ‘dangerous parking’ at QMC and City Hospital now in effect

City Hospital (original picture by David Hallam-Jones cc-by-sa-2.0) and Queen's Medical Centre (original picture by Harry Mitchell cc-by-sa-3.0)

Penalties of up to £50 for drivers who park ‘dangerously’ at the QMC and City Hospital are now in effect.

Penalty charge notices will be handed to drivers parking on grass verges or in disabled bays without displaying a blue badge.

The charges are being introduced to make sure emergency vehicles can safely access both sites and spaces for disabled drivers are not used inappropriately.

Charges of £50, reduced to £25 if paid within 14 days.

Andrew Chatten, director of estates and facilities at the Trust which runs QMC and City Hospital, said: “Thousands of people visit our sites each day and making sure they are able to do so easily and safely is a challenge, especially in terms of parking where demand far outstrips supply.

“Most drivers park responsibly and safely but there are a persistent few who do not.

“Their actions can have a serious impact on the flow of traffic on our site especially for larger vehicles like ambulances and fire engines.

“The introduction of penalty charge notices will target those persistent few.”

Mr Chatten also said there would be a sensible and measured approach and those visiting the site in emergencies would not be targeted.

He added this work would help to make sure drop-off bays in areas like the emergency department and maternity units were available for those who need them.

An appeals process has also been set up including a panel featuring patient and staff representatives to review claims.