Nottingham Castle to host Illuminate’s Invent and Build project

Illuminate, Nottingham Museum’s young artists group, will present Invent and Build, a range of family-friendly activities inspired by artists Richard Slee and John Plowman, on Sunday.

Illuminate is a group of 15-24 year olds who work with Nottingham City Museums and Galleries on creative projects that link to their collections and exhibition programme.

The group have spent the last eight weeks planning Invent and Build, designing marketing materials and experimenting with ideas for the day.

Illuminate member Hannah Satchwell, who has been busy planning and trying out the activity ideas with the group, said: “I’m looking forward to seeing the big collective line drawing develop and the washing line covered in visitors’ masterpieces.”

It’s great to have complete freedom and creative control as well as working in a team.

Illuminate member Mary Strickson

Visitors can take part in creating a large pattern-based picture, transform photos of Nottingham’s most iconic landmarks and create everyday objects out of scrap materials.

Councillor Dave Trimble, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture said:  “We are very proud of the success of our Illuminate project which gives young people excellent experience and life skills in working as a team on developing creative ideas, activities and projects with support from the Nottingham Museum and Art Gallery staff.”