Online shoppers warned over fake cosmetics

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Nottinghamshire County Council has warned consumers about fake cosmetics sold online which could pose a threat to health.

Trading standards teams across the nation say make-up which contains dangerous toxins such as lead and mercury is being sold on the web.

Police in London have issued a national alert about the problem, suggesting it is on the increase.

While Nottinghamshire County Council’s Trading Standards has not received any direct reports of unsafe cosmetics, they have warned consumers in the area about the issue.

Councillor Glynn Gilfoyle, Committee Chairman for Community Safety at Nottinghamshire County Council said: “People need to be vigilant and wary of the potential risks of buying cosmetics online – especially if brand items are being sold for knock-down prices.

We always advise that if an offer appears too good to be true then it usually is.

Councillor Glynn Gilfoyle

The council advises all shoppers to consider buying their products from reputable retailers. If they have any queries, they should contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 03454 04 05 06.

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