Rejects FC: The Notts football team of talented kids turned away because of medical conditions

Video: Hugh Casswell sees Reject FC in action – and witnessed a stunner!

A Notts football club set up for children turned away by other teams because of medical conditions has seen so many sign up it has had to start a waiting list.

Rejects FC was set up by the parents of ten-year-old Harrison Dooley, who has a hole in his heart.

Most of the players have learning difficulties or have a disability and the club has been set up to give young players the ability to play.

Harrison said: “It made me heartbroken because I just want to play football as it’s a sport that I really like.

“I’m enjoying it because everyone can play.”

Harrison’s mum Tracy said: “We just decided let’s take him up to the field and have a kick around one Saturday.

“We started with five friends, who also didn’t make the school team and then word got around and, all of a sudden, we were at 30 kids!

“The kids wanted to name it Rejects FC; we weren’t too sure but the kids were adamant they wanted to be called Rejects because they said we don’t like people thinking we can’t do it.”