Student flats plan for closed city centre McDonald’s

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Plans have been tabled to convert a former McDonald's to student accommodation (ArkleBoyce)

By Joe Locker, Local Democracy Reporter

A former McDonald’s restaurant in Nottingham city centre could become student flats under new plans.

The branch of McDonald’s in Exchange Walk, off St Peter’s Square, closed in 2023 and the building has been empty ever since.

Arcas Properties Ltd has now tabled plans to convert the upper floors into student accommodation.

The retail unit on the ground floor would be kept under the plans, while the first and second floors would be converted for student use.

A third floor extension would also be built to bring the total number of bed spaces to 16.

“The brief for the proposals is to bring the building into a holistic and sustainable use, considering how the upper floors of the building can provide student residential accommodation and create a viable, long term use for the building,” documents say.

“The retail unit is to be retained at ground floor and the existing staircases to the upper floors are to be removed.

“A new designated entrance to the residential accommodation is proposed to the west of the south elevation.

“On the upper floors, the proposal would comprise of five clusters of student accommodation, providing 16 bed spaces.

“The proposed extension is set back from the primary elevation and is subservient to the host building.

“The extension is designed to be sensitive; the repetitive nature of the façade and simple material palette means the extension is read as a ‘background building’ and has minimal impact on the streetscape and adjacent listed building.”

Cycle storage has also been proposed to cater for 16 bicycles.

The plans will now be considered by Nottingham City Council’s planning officers.

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