‘Whitening Up’ ads challenge black communities in Nottingham to vote

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Operation Black Vote has unveiled a number of hard-hitting billboard ads to encourage black and minority ethnic (BME) voters to vote in Nottingham.

The ads, created by the one of the world’s leading advertising agencies – Saatchi & Saatchi – feature black celebrities ‘whiting up’.

The pictures, taken by acclaimed fashion photographer Rankin, include Hollywood star David Harewood, pop icon Tinie Timpah, football legend Sol Campbell and athlete and TV presenter, Ade Adepitan.

Simon Woolley, Director of OBV, said: “It’s a sad fact that racism has increased in Britain. If things are to improve then it is absolutely critical that BME communities use this political leverage to  vote and demand a plan to tackle race inequality.”

OBV’s aim is to increase the number of BME individuals who vote in Thursday’s general election.  Research published by OBV lists the 168 constituencies where BME voters could significantly influence who wins the seat.

I agreed to do the Operation Black Vote poster campaign because I wanted to highlight the problem that some sections of Britain don’t understand the importance of voting for a better future.

Former footballer Sol Campbell

The OBV voter registration bus visited Nottingham in April with over 200 people registering to vote on the vehicle when it was parked outside the Council House in Market Square and also when it was at Hyson Green and St Ann’s Valley.

With the amount of media coverage and social media activity, OBV believes more than a thousand new voters in Nottingham registered to vote.

David Harewood said: “If you want change, you have to vote for it. We can’t continue to stand on the sidelines of the British democratic system.  We are a part of it and our voices matter.”

The poster sites in Nottingham are Primesight, Bath Street/Beck Street, NG3 1EJ and Clear Channel, Kissingston House, Radford Road, NG7 7EB.

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