Demolished city eyesore to be turned into four-storey office and teaching centre

Artist impression of how the new building will look

A demolished city eyesore will be turned into a four-storey office and teaching centre.

The estates and resources team at Nottingham Trent University has submitted a planning application to Nottingham City Council for a new building including offices and classrooms.

It comes after the university bought land where old Indian restaurant Posh Spice sat on Goldsmith Street, next to the Horn in Hand pub and nightclubs Stealth and Rescue Rooms.

Posh Spice: the former restaurant is being redeveloped by Nottingham Trent University.

The planning application says “most of the anticipated noise should be at night outside of working hours for this building”.

However the document also highlights “a potential risk of vandalism and anti-social behaviour associated with alcohol at night”.

A building team is currently demolishing the remains of the restaurant, which burnt down in 2010, with work expected to finish next month.

Artist impression of how the new building will look from the air.

The new building is designed for around 200 people.

According to the planning application, the ground floor will feature an exhibition space with meeting rooms beyond an entrance foyer.

Artist impression of how the new building will look, looking towards Goldsmith Street from the rear.

The first and second floors will be laid out similarly, featuring offices and meeting rooms.

The third floor will be similar in design but will be split in half for offices and meeting rooms with a ‘plant area’ for a kitchenette.

Nottingham City Council will make the final decision on whether the plans will go ahead.

Ged O’Donoghue, director of estates at Nottingham Trent University, said: “The niversity is keen to regenerate the site and we have submitted planning permission for the construction of a new building.

“We are in the process of drawing up detailed proposals for its future use, which could include office and teaching space.”