Community Protection officers have found that people driving black vehicles abuse the Blue Badge scheme the most.
The Community Protection Blue Badge team said the top five makes of vehicle that was recorded for misuse are Vauxhall, Ford, Volkswagen, BMW and Mercedes.
The information was discovered after the introduction of a new database recording system to enable the team to produce detailed reports.
More officers have also been given new powers, in particular an officer now has the ability to seize a Blue Badge if they feel it is being used wrongly.
“It is right that we come down hard on those who choose to abuse the system.”
Since launching its ‘Crossing the Line’ campaign last may, the team has issued 350 penalty notices.
Councillor Dave Liversidge, Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Housing and Voluntary Sector at Nottingham City Council, said: “The Blue Badge scheme brings added mobility benefits to our citizens who need this to help get on with their lives.”
“However, when it comes to the Blue Badge Scheme, it is right that we come down hard on those who choose to abuse the system.”