
Opportunity Nottingham – Nottinghamshire Business Profiles

Opportunity Nottingham aims to improve the lives of people experiencing multiple needs in Nottingham City. It is delivered through a partnership of local agencies and is funded as part of the Big Lottery National Fulfilling Lives Programme until 2022.

Multiple needs are defined as homelessness (including sofa surfing), mental ill health, offending (including survivors and perpetrators of domestic abuse) and substance misuse. To access the support of Opportunity Nottingham, a person must be experiencing at least three out of the four multiple needs.

Opportunity Nottingham has two main aims; to provide bespoke and carefully coordinated support for people experiencing multiple needs, enabling them to live fulfilled lives, and; to bring about system change by transforming the way services work so that they are easier to access, connected, and consider the person as whole, not just their individual needs.

The project also works hard to reduce the stigma of multiple needs, through telling the stories of those who access its support.

You can find out more at and also keep up to date with the project on Twitter (search for @OppNottingham).

If you want to find out more about how we can support you develop your video content through our company profiles, get in touch to discuss your options!

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