Cladding at Mansfield’s King’s Mill Hospital being tested after London fire

King's Mill Hospital, Mansfield. Photo: Ctfretwell.

The cladding wrapped around King’s Mill Hospital in Mansfield is being tested following the Grenfell Tower blaze in London.

It is one of 36 NHS sites built between 2007 and 2011 using an external cladding system.

The North Kensington disaster killed at least 79 people – but it is not yet known if the cladding system present at the hospital is fire resistant or inflammable like at Grenfell.

The cladding at the west London block was installed in 2015, but the fire appeared to spread freely across its surface and accelerate the speed of the blaze.

The Sherwood Forest Hospitals Trust, which runs the hospital, says the tests are ‘precautionary’.

NHS Improvement, which oversees NHS foundation trusts, says it has written to 36 hospital trusts to conduct ‘urgent fire safety checks’ on the sites, and they will be completed next week.

And the Sherwood Forest Hospitals Trust says it is working with the Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service to ensure the fire safety procedures at the King’s Mill Hospital are ‘satisfactory’.

The news comes after Nottingham students were rehoused after a block of flats were found to have a similar cladding system to Grenfell, following an independent review.

A statement from the trust read: “King’s Mill Hospital was specified and built to the most rigorous health building standards, using materials compliant with the top British and European safety specifications.

“The trust would like to reassure staff, visitors and the public that these are precautionary tests.

“All of our buildings offer good compartmentalisation and multiple escape routes with wide stairwells. Our fire detection and alarm systems are modern and highly sophisticated.

“There is very high compliance with fire awareness training among our staff, and our evacuation plans are tested regularly.

“We are working closely with the Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service to review and refresh our fire safety risk assessments, and ensure that our policies and procedures are satisfactory.

“The trust is awaiting advice from NHS Improvement about when and how the cladding system will be subjected to the national safety testing regime.”

A separate statement from NHS Improvement read: “NHS Improvement has written to all NHS trusts and foundation trusts to ask them to carry out urgent fire safety checks.

“It has identified 36 organisations that require additional support to ascertain if they have cladding similar to that of the Grenfell fire.

“This group of providers is having fire safety tests carried out on building material, which are expected to be completed by early next week.

“Once those test results are known there will be a further update from NHS Improvement.

“Meanwhile, it will provide updated fire safety guidance to the sector setting out additional steps to ensure safety.”