E-cigarettes banned for under 18s in Notts

New laws have been passed meaning it will be illegal for shops in Notts to sell e-cigerettes to under 18’s.

Community Protection’s Nottingham City Trading Standards Service are working with local businesses to ensure they are ready for these changes.

The law will be coming into effect on October 1st 2015 and it will also be an offence to buy tobacco or e-cigarettes on behalf of under 18s.

Once the age restriction starts, Nottingham City Trading Standards will be carrying out test purchases around the City to ensure that businesses are not selling e-cigarettes to under 18’s and any place caught doing so could face fines of up to £2500.

Councillor Nicola Heaton, Portfolio holder Community Services said: “Protecting the health and well-being of young people is a high priority for Nottingham City Trading Standards Service which is why we welcome the new legislation.”

“There is little to show that young people are using e-cigarettes as a gateway into smoking, but it is vital that we take all possible steps to protect children and young people from the harmful effects of smoking.”

“Smoking is an addiction of childhood with the majority of smokers taking up the habit before the age of 18.”