Free event educates elderly residents of Notts how to reduce falls

A free event was held today to educate elderly residents of Nottingham on how to prevent falls in and around the home.

The event, which was organised by Nottingham CityCare Partnership and supported by Nottingham CCG, took place in Market Square and elderly people and their families as well as people who work with the elderly across the city were invited to the event.

CityCares Falls and Bone Health Service were on hand at the event, offering advice to the elderly and their families regarding steps that can be taken to reduce falls.

The service aims to reduce falls through a number of different techniques including physiotherapy, occupational therapy and nursing assessment.

Sally Garlick, Health promotion specialist at the falls and bone health team at CityCare said: “We know in Nottingham City that one of the biggest reasons for hospital admission in over 60’s is falls and injuries relating to falls.”

“Our team are trying to work with people that have had falls and injuries but also its very important that all the other services are involved as well and people are out in the community supporting them and promoting independence.”

There were a number of other organisations supporting the event alongside the CityCares Falls and Bone Health Service including the Alzheimers Society, Age UK and the National Osteoporosis Society.

Maria Holmes from the Osteoporosis Nottingham Support Group said: “Were spreading the word about osteoporosis to make people more aware because one in every two women will get it during their lifetime.”

“If you aware that you might have a problem and get on the correct medication you can mostly avoid breaking bones.”