In Pictures: How Stonebridge City Farm keeps 250 animals warm

wildlife, winter, cold, survival, hedgehogs, top tips, guinea pigs, ducks

With temperatures plummeting and frost beginning to form, pet owners across the county are ushering dogs in from the cold and letting kitties kip on the bed.

But how do you keep more than 250 animals of all shapes and sizes safe from the sub-zero climate?

This is the dilemma facing staff at Stonebridge City Farm every winter.

The farm, on Stonebridge Road, St Ann’s and has been around since the 1970s, and is home to everything from goats and cows to parrots and guinea pigs.

Farm Manager Steven Gee explains how he keeps all the residents toasty, whatever the weather.

“With rabbits and guinea pigs it’s important to keep them off the floor as frost permeates the ground so you don’t want their hutch resting on it,” he said.

“You should also feed them more carbohydrates that they can burn off to stay warm, and check that their water isn’t frozen over.”

Operations Co-ordinators, Tom Adams, said: “One of the crucial things for birds is giving them fresh water. Wild water often freezes over so making the effort to give them fresh water makes a tremendous difference.”

He added that the majority of animals grow coats to suit their environment so are generally fairly safe in winter but any help makes their lives easier.



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